Photonics Media Bookstore

Photonics Media Press invites proposals from prospective book authors

Handled with Care – Marketed with Flair
Your book is in good hands with Photonics Media Press. From expert editing and printing to smart, targeted marketing, your work will receive the special attention it deserves.

Why publish with Photonics Media Press?
Our long history and first-rate reputation in optics and photonics publishing are just the beginning. We offer
  • Favorable terms and royalties
  • Experienced editorial, design and production
  • Strategic marketing to the industry's largest global audience and beyond
  • Broad exposure for your book through our premier media channels
  • Publishing in formats preferred by today's readers
What we publish
PHOTONICS MEDIA PRESS serves an audience of scientists, engineers, marketers and others in the global photonics industry and its growing application areas. We are interested in books that will help our readers do their jobs better, as well as books for a broader audience that will advance the understanding of photonics technologies in our daily lives.

We seek proposals for applications-oriented technical books on new and emerging photonic technologies. Manuscripts should be about 200 to 400 pages long and include photos, drawings and illustrations as required to support the topic.

For our ACCENT ON APPLICATIONS series, we are looking for short – 100 page – manuscripts focused on how to successfully integrate a technology into a process or system. These books should answer important questions that often start with "How do I ..." or, "What is the best way to ..." and offer guidelines and best practices for implementing a change to the way something is done in a lab, on a production floor or in other environments where photonic technologies can be used.

We also will consider proposals for:
  • Manuscripts that address the business and industry side of optics and photonics technologies, challenges and applications including safety, training, technology transfer, innovation
  • Books that offer fresh perspectives on the growing impact of light-based technologies on our daily lives that might appeal to a broader audience
  • Textbooks, workbooks and other resources for all ages that introduce and build an understanding of light-based technologies and their applications
Five Steps to Publishing Success with Photonics Media Press
  1. Tell us about the book you want to write. Use our book idea submission form. Upon acceptance, you're on to Step 2.
  2. Cement our partnership.
  3. Complete and submit your manuscript.
  4. Collaborate in the editing, design and marketing of your book to more than 100,000 photonics industry readers and leaders.
  5. Reap the rewards of a successful project.